Sunday, August 29, 2010

Relax, put your feet up...or hug-a-puzzle

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Puzzle piece ottomans!

Another reason to love Bed, Bath and Beyond... 
Love these!  So did my G.  I let him discover them on his own, and he did.  He zeroed right in like he knew it was meant for him.  The 2 puzzle cut outs were just perfect for him to fit his arms into for a hug.  I had a mental flash of Temple Grandin and her hug machine...I toyed with justifying the purchase as a therapeutic device, lol.  But buying a decorative item won't get me any closer to purchasing an iPad for G, will it? Wistful sigh.  After hugging it through the store he found a cart for his hug-a-puzzle and began wheeling it to the cashier.  He did NOT want to give it up - his fave color even.   It's pricey, but I'll be watching it for deep clearance, and using my 20% off coupon too.  Please alert me if you see it on sale!   Best price from my quick Google search: Toys R Us and others for $59.99 - that's going in the right direction.

These are nifty too - so retro pop-art!