Check out this refreshing article from Scientific American about the hidden intelligence that is being overlooked in autistics. In low-functioning, mid-functioning, verbal/nonverbal, physically impaired/non, mainstreamed or in special education classrooms.
Do you have a child on the spectrum who has a penchant for patterns, rhymes, visual spatial, logic, science, equations, music, art? As parents we see these abilities in our kids. Schools, social activities and mainstream settings usually don't unless they're in a progressive community. Not to say that all autistic kids are brilliant, as not all typical kids are. But they have abilities that aren't seen, therefore they aren't given a chance to grow and nurture their gifts. Think about how most autistics have taken to computer games, ipad apps, learning tools and communication devices. They barely need training, it is instinctual. What about their repetitive activities, noises or rocking movements?
We say young children take risks of daring physical feats because they lack the fear that adults have. They leap before they look. I believe it's this way with many autistics. They take leaps of thought we may not take because of preconceived ideas, logic, social mores, religious beliefs, current events, etc. Instead they blurt out their answers, see information as black and white; because they do not have to overcome fear or mental obstacles, social phobia.
Spectrum brains may "see", or experience the world around them differently. As Temple Grandin says, "Different, not better." But maybe it IS better. Wouldn't it be great to think so?
Does your child or loved one on the spectrum have a splinter skill? Do you nurture it, tap into their strength? Do you search for practical applications for those skills so that they may become productive adults? How about your schools - have they discovered any hidden treasures?
Back to the Scientific American article.
I LOVE this comment:
Comment #12:
Could it be that autism is merely the genetic growth and development of the human brain along its way to its next iteration?
What a fun, interesting concept to mull around. Perhaps they are to be revered by all, not just their caregivers. What do you think?
We say young children take risks of daring physical feats because they lack the fear that adults have. They leap before they look. I believe it's this way with many autistics. They take leaps of thought we may not take because of preconceived ideas, logic, social mores, religious beliefs, current events, etc. Instead they blurt out their answers, see information as black and white; because they do not have to overcome fear or mental obstacles, social phobia.
They: See ~ React ~ Report
Spectrum brains may "see", or experience the world around them differently. As Temple Grandin says, "Different, not better." But maybe it IS better. Wouldn't it be great to think so?
Does your child or loved one on the spectrum have a splinter skill? Do you nurture it, tap into their strength? Do you search for practical applications for those skills so that they may become productive adults? How about your schools - have they discovered any hidden treasures?
Back to the Scientific American article.
I LOVE this comment:
Comment #12:
Could it be that autism is merely the genetic growth and development of the human brain along its way to its next iteration?
What a fun, interesting concept to mull around. Perhaps they are to be revered by all, not just their caregivers. What do you think?