Tuesday, January 31, 2012



On a snowy afternoon, Scooter counted down for a game.  In his carefully modulated tone,
"One sippy
Two sippy 
Three Sippy 

I was sure of his words, but couldn't figure out his meaning.  Chickie and I checked each other's faces to see if we "got it".  Nope.  No clue.  Next game, I asked him to count down again, giving Chickie the "Ready?  Pay attention." look.

Scooter began,
"One sippy                                                     
Two sippy..."

"Wait!" I interrupted.  "What are you saying? One sippy???  Count again sweetie."

Exasperated, Scooter enunciated each word and spoke  s  l  o  w  l  y.
"One and a sippy
Two and a sippy
Three and a sippy!"

Chickie and I stared at him, then shifted to each other for a few bewildered seconds.  Click!  Her light bulb went off...
Chickie Walks On Water (cool shot, huh?)

One Mississippi,
Two Mississippi
Three Mississippi!!!"


"You say Mississippi after the numbers to count slower," Chickie explained.

I love it when the kids explain something to me that I know from my own childhood.  I try act like I'm amazed to be filled in, but often my grin gives me away.  I'm so transparent.

Chickie's the finest G-translator besides me.  But even better, she's our G-Whisperer.  They adore each other and it warms my heart to the core.  She's always shared a sweet bond with NickerDoodle.  They're best friends.  She's the glue that holds these boys of ours together...and frequently me.  We're blessed.  I'd be lost without my incredible Chickie.  Love love love her!

Kiddos Monkeying Around at Their Favorite Playground

Wig Out - A Family Favorite Game
Our family "go-to" game.  Easy, portable, all ages.  Super fast racing matching grabbing silly fun game.
Read my review: http://www.amazon.com/review/R11Z5RX5JWWUU8/ref=cm_cr_pr_perm?ie=UTF8&ASIN=B000B5MULG&nodeID=&tag=&linkCode=

Gamewright has tons of fun, creative award winning games.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Door to the Floor

Is there anything so difficult as seeing your child in pain?

Nickerdoodle got blasted by a heavy steel door after school today, knocked his sturdy 110 lb. athletic frame to the floor.  His toe, arm and shoulder are bruised and swollen, very sore.  I'm betting his backside will be hurting tomorrow from falling on his tailbone.  He really got nailed bad.  I' m so grateful it wasn't his head, and luckily it was his left side and he's right handed.

The kids in the classroom he was passing were probably excited to get out because they have half days for exam week and threw open the door.  So now besides the stress of exams, my Doodle is in pain.  He's such a good natured kid though.  He was pleasant and polite, getting up to get things tonight when I easily could have gotten them for him.

At first when he got home I hugged him while he explained what happened.  I thoroughly checked him out, gave him Motrin for the swelling and pain.  Then I set him in his Dad's recliner with his foot raised.  Mr. Creative Doodle fashioned an ice pack around his toe/foot by taping it in place after it kept falling off.  It stayed on all afternoon!   I covered him with a blanket and fluffed a pillow, pretending I was a nurse to make him giggle.  I gave him choices for lunch and movie.  He ate popcorn, m & m's and blue raspberry pop (good for the soul) for lunch and we all watched Chickie's favorite flick, "Dunston Checks In".  We all love it, slapstick mayhem with an orangutan, art deco period decor for me - what could be better?  The kids love when I play the funny parts over and over...I've been known to rewind 10 x and more, everyone cracking up more each time (drives my husband crazy, but he wasn't home).  Doodle enjoyed a few requests for ice or more popcorn, asking with a funny smirk, sending Chickie or me to wait on him. Hey, he's normal - who doesn't love that?  Then he took a long nap but got right back into studying for the night.  Great responsible kid.

This brings up another important point - he should have gone to a teacher, to the office or called me for help - a lesson I now have taught them - after his accident.  But these things don't occur to us until they happen.  In normal cirumstances, his next hour teacher would notice and send him to the office.  He was likely embarrassed and just wanted to get to the bus, steely tunnel vision.  He probably didn't let himself start to realize his pain until he was situated and on his way home.  By the time he walked through our door though, he'd let down his guard and fully let his pain flow.  To think he had to walk home from the bus stop on his swollen, bleeding toe.  Ouch

For me, one of the most moving experiences as a parent is having my child come rushing to me for a comforting "Mama Hug".  Though I loathe to see my children in pain or sad, I love the reminder that I'm needed, that my care helps.  So touching, especially from an almost-teen who often pretends he doesn't hear you when his friends are around (Selective Hearing Syndrome, wink-wink).  It sends a chill through me, knots my stomach and raises my BP to see my child come through the door crying.  My protective Mama instinct instantly ramps up, primal, at the ready.

We may have to take a trip to the Dr. if Doodle's still having difficulty moving his arm tomorrow.  After his morning exams of course.  Because our fam (especially me) has caught every virus this season, I'll wear a full hazmat suit and spray the kids down with lysol in the parking lot.  Just kidding...here's to a healthier tomorrow.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Rockin' the Mall With Miss Small

Signs of a fun Mom /Daughter Girl's Night Out:
1) When you have so many tester perfume sprays on your arms and neck that you can't smell anything else

2) Choosing gumballs from the kiosk from 40 flavors, then trying to fit as many into your mouth as possible.

3) Finding the puffball snow princess hat that your daughter's wanted for 2 years...on clearance.

4) Scoring an edgy leopard bag for mama, on a "wow" sale.

5) Spending time with my fave girlfriend ever! 


Saturday, January 14, 2012

P.I.F.F. (x 2 O.S.)

Pay it Forward Friday times 2, on Saturday

Share a great blog day.
Thanks to talented, funny Dad Vs. Autism (who featured one of my blog posts a few months ago.   I fully intended to share another blogger's stand out post the next Friday, then the next, etc.  You know how that goes.  Well maybe not, but I do, I'm embarrassed to admit.  No excuses, but it has been nagging me deep in the recesses of my neurotransmitter scramble.  

So here it is, finished Saturday (of course).  

I've been moved today.  Deeply.  Twice.  Read it over and over/sigh/cry/hug my kids closely/share with a friend/share on my blog and facebook/think about it for weeks kind of moved. 

The 1st heart-wrenching blog references the 2nd.  Read.  Re-read them on a bad day to put your life and troubles in perspective.  We, as autism parents, are Fierce Warrior Parents.  But these bloggers are self-proclaimed Dragon Moms.  They sure get my vote.

I hope that this gets thrown in the face of the rude Specialist's career.  This is a complex ethical topic, but his approach could have ended with much less anger,tragedy if only they'd let someone with people skills speak for the hospital.  Just his demeanor and arrogance would make me take action.  But these parents don't have time for trivial "manners"  matters.  They are in a time crunch to find another hospital.  Godspeed and prayers to them and their precious Amelia.

In another post by this author (Words), Amelia's Mom credits another Mom and her raw article below.


This blog is beautifully written, no whining, no complaining.  Just real.  As she says, they don't have time for worry about future, just for the here and now, enjoying their son during his short stay.

I'm blown away by these blogs and their stories.  Are you?

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

PDQ #28 Woman Up and Get Real

I caught yet another messy virus, a byproduct of kiddie contact 24/7: temp, cough, sinus, aches.  As I sit here feeling miserable and pondering slipping back under my blankets after G gets on the bus, I scroll through facebook and I'm reminded of reality.  The world is indeed bigger than my stuffy nose.

A high school friend is waiting anxiously for surgeons to finish her son's brain surgery (cancer).  She lost her mother this past year and is mourning her support.

Another autistic mom friend is taking care of her brother (also my friend) who attempted suicide last month.

A family friend prays as her niece and nephew wheel into surgery.  Her niece is donating a kidney to her brother.

Another sweet friend brought home her baby yesterday for the 1st time in months.  His heart defect has kept them at the hospital for most of his short life.  He's on a ventilator, but HOME.

Blessings and prayers to all who have real life and death struggles.  My heart goes out to my strong mama friends.  Keep up the good fight.  Love you.  xoxo

Sniffles, coughs and aches?  It's time for me to woman up, take some sinus meds and get on with my day.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Fairy Funny

G and his silly faces, now silly holey face
G lost his 2nd tooth last night. His 1st permanent tooth is growing in, making room by pushing the tiny baby tooth next to it.  After intense wiggling, it finally came out at 2 a.m. (G's sleep issues haven't improved, but everything else is wonderful).

I told G to put his tooth into a ziplock, then reminded him to place it under his pillow for the Tooth Fairy.  He didn't respond for several minutes; he was looking at his tooth (and diligently processing as I learned).

G finally announced, 
"Well. (sigh)  I'm not going to put my tooth under my pillow tonight.  Mom, could you call the Tooth Fairy and tell her not to pick up my tooth tonight?  I want to show my tooth to N, M and Dad tomorrow.  So tell her tomorrow is better for picking up my tooth and leaving my cash."

He had it all worked out.  Who was I to insist on proper protocol?
I penciled in the Tooth Fairy for tonight.  We'll see if that works into G's schedule.

Many do-it-yourself Tooth Fairy printables including letters, certificates, coloring pages:

Personalized Printable letter:

Products such as Tooth Fairy Pillows and other keepsakes:

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A Little Reminder

Happy New Year! 

Our family made our traditional Happy New Year's phone calls 
to a few friends and relatives. 

The kids took turns talking to Grandma. 

G getting on the line, 

"Hi Grandma. 
It's G. 
The one you like." 

Gotta love it!