Tuesday, September 21, 2010

iSpy Autism-Friendly Apps for iPad: Part 2

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Tongue = Extreme concentration! 
Autism: got an app for that?  YES!!!!

Fresh Approach
Specialized apps are developed daily as word spreads about iPad's revolutionary accessible, intuitive use as a tool for Autism, Speech Apraxia, Sensory Processing, Cerebral Palsy, Physical Impairment, Down Syndrome and other special needs. 

Just So Right on So Many Levels
Ipads aren't cheap, but are less costly, more portable and manageable than other communication devices and systems for Autistic learning. Many apps are low-cost or FREE!  You don't need special training or classes to figure out the device or learn apps.  In fact, apps are so user-friendly, many children learn through experimental play.  Best of all, apps are fun - appealing and engaging. 

Share the Wealth
Ask your therapists if they have favorite iPad apps to suggest.  If they don't, suggest your favorites to them.  Ask your schools if they're integrating iPad learning into the classroom.  Apps for Babies, Toddlers, Preschoolers, Elementary, Middle and High School age and older are popping up, popping smiles and popping skills! 

Autism Hangout Special Reports by Craig Evans.

An enlightening interview with Moms With Apps founder, Lorraine Akemann:

Find it here: http://momswithapps.com/apps-for-special-needs/  Also take advantage of App Fridays to get offers of free apps. I've loaded up my iTouch with this offer - love it!    http://momswithapps.com/app-friday/

Craig Evans interview featuring Shannon DeRoches Rosa, a California mom who documented her 9 year old son's miraculous interaction with an iPad:

Check out http://www.babieswithipads.blogspot.com/  for more video examples of iPads utilized with Autistic children.  This site is a video documentation of the work of a talented developmental/vision specialist. She uses the iPad to help infants and toddlers with special needs. This is helpful to watch the children interact with technology.

Great site!  Thanks for sharing your work.  Thanks also to the children and their families for letting us share your incredible experience.  I really wish her site had a search feature by disability, age, and/or app.

Also see related posts:
My recent iSpy Autism-Friendly Apps for Ipad post with videos (including Shannon DeRoches Rosa), app websites and app reviews and links galore.

This mom's site has an extensive list of apps for ASD grouped into uses.  Apps for Social Goals, Apps for Communication, Apps for Behaviour, Relaxation, and Structure, Apps for Sensory Issues, Apps for Functional Issues, Apps for Productivity, Apps for Organization, and Apps for Academics
So helpful!  I'm going to explore new finds n the "Apps for Sensory Issues" category. 
Her list includes:
Time Timer $4.99    Visual Timer on the go!

Kinetic Balls  FREE! Change images for capitivating, calm organizing visuals

Tell Time $1.99

A Mood Pad: reacts like heat-sensing mood ring  FREE!

Blowfish Poppers FREE!

A new site to check out from Coolmompicks.com site is:

Still saving...I'm hoping to get G's iPad for his upcoming 5th birthday, maybe Christmas...I'd love to claim ownership of my iTouch again someday.  For now he's welcome to it, he's loving it!  ;p
Happy App-ing!

More resources:



1 comment:

    I am sharing this testimony for my daughter who suffered autism for 7 years. I am doing this, because I was her mother and caregiver  during her dark days and am very happy to share it so that others can be helped through  DR WILLIAMS HERBAL MEDICINE. It was a tough a battle for her; I was not actually the one who hard autism, but bearing the burden makes me understand what parents whose children and love with autism go through.
    Lesia now 19 and was diagnosed with autism at the age of twelve, for seven years, she fought against her diagnosis. I must admit it was never easy for us as a family; we had to constantly watch her, and answer questions that we couldn’t explain. On several occasions, she asked if she will ever stop having speech delay and get well like her school mates and be the best swimmer she dreamt of becoming. She was a very happy child; and had a ‘normal’ childhood and there was no suggestion that she would later on develop autism. 
    She refused to accept defeat and fought autism. She religiously kept to her medications in spite of their side effects. We all wanted a cure, so that she can chase her dream and live a normal life like every other child. But the more she takes these medications, the more her school grade drop. She couldn’t concentrate and we noticed that her memory was being severely adversely affected. Each time we went back to the hospital, her medicines were changed to a different one. Seems like, each change of drug brings about change in side effects. After about 6 years on   Abilify ,  Geodon  , and other medicines, it seemed the autism started to increase in frequency. I had to make effort to reduce her medicines with plans to eventually stop it all. We found an alternative treatment in homeopathy, which was better than her English drugs. Gradually, I reduced her drugs, and her autism were no longer as frequent as it was as when she was on conventional drugs.
    With our little breakthrough with homeopathy treatment, we made further search for natural cure. Fortunately we saw testimonies about herbal medicines which cure autism. We saw a lot of claims though, contacted them and didn’t get a useful reply. Lucky for us, we finally got a reply from Doctor Williams, he directed us to his blog where we saw a lot of information about his herbal medicine . Without further delay I made a purchase for her, I switched her over to it. We had great breakthrough, that in 3 weeks, her autism reduced. After 1 months as Doctor Williams promised , all autism symptoms stopped. It was like a miracle for us. since all this days now Lesia became autism free. Her story is quite lengthy, I hope it also help someone out there.for more information you can email Dr Williams on drwilliams098675@gmail.com  
