Campfire® GIANT Roasters™
about 6x the size of regular marshmallows!
Just returned from a camping weekend, the memory is fresh on my family's memory. These all-new Campfire® Giant Roasters™ are HUGE! We passed them in the store, screeched to a halt, jaws dropping to the floor along with our drool at the thought of the gooey goodness packed in each of these sugary zero-nutrition delights. We instantly laughed our heads off. My 11 year old grabbed a bag, his eyes pleading with me. I tossed it into the cart, then grabbed another. These are just too "wow" - I have to share with friends! Several other shoppers stopped, gasped and grabbed too. The 4th of July S'mores Display section was abuzz. It was a random hidden camera commercial moment in the middle of Meijer. Too bad it wasn't a random taste test - my kids would've fainted from sheer joy.
There'll be plenty of GIANT S'mores this holiday weekend around Michigan. On the back of the bag is a recipe. For Giant S'mores, each Giant Roaster marshmallow is paired with a full Hershey bar and 2 full graham crackers. And for those who can't wait, they included a microwave version of roasting the marshmallow. What? Who knew? Not me! Somehow it just loses the ambiance. Marshmallows are all about the process, aren't they? Each roaster has their own method and preferences. The fun is in the mystery: will this one turn out perfect, fall in the fire, or will I have to feed it to little brother? Pressing buttons and "DING" is not part of that equation. It's about relaxing by the campfire... I'm imagining the sight of mine: I'm a purist - no S'more, just plain marshmallow. I'm one of those who like to catch the marshmallow on fire, then blow it out. These marshmallows could make quite a torch!
While googling the marshmallows, I came across a fun site: The National Marshmallow Roasters Institute. http://www.nmrinstitute.com/ I love the title of their WTF "What the Fluff" conference...another fine example proving that theres truly a website for everyone.
OK now for the marketing of these big boys: seriously deficient! The Campfire website doesn't even offer a photo of these bold stars. http://www.campfiremarshmallows.com/whatsfresh_viewarticle.asp?News_ID=13 Campfire® Giant Roasters™ are begging for comparison photos and hype! And the name: I understand Giant Roasters, but doesn't Mighty-Mallows sound way cooler...or should I say hotter?
Postscript: I posted a link to this to my Facebook, and from the comments I've seen that many others have been wow-ed by Giant Roasters too. A baseball mom gave out whole bags to each player at the end of their season last week, a happy camper friend said that her husband bought a case(!), and another friend posted her fun discovery along with a photo a few weeks ago (which I missed). These marshmallows are definitely making a GIANT impression!
Search Amazon.com for marshmallow roasting sticks
Search Amazon.com for marshmallow roasting forks
Search Amazon.com for marshmallow shooter
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