Saturday, September 18, 2010

Jumping N's!

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I've got that newborn baby proud mama excitement!  For 3 years, I've been dropping off my older 2 children at Tae Kwon Do 4-6 times per week..  Every couple of months, I'd try to take G in to watch them, with disastrous, frustrating, embarrassing results.  See  Now that G has started TKD and he's doing better at engaging and not running out the door, it's possible to take him to watch my older kids in their class occasionally. 

I've missed so much of their practice and hard work.  They've worked their way up to only 2 belts away from black belt.  Now I get to see the really spectacular stuff - also exciting and motivating for G, more engaging.  I love to watch their routines, marvel at how high they can kick!  I still get to go through from the bottom up with G to see that learning process, so it worked out in life's strange way. 

I get the giddy, new mama proud feeling and my kids get 2 energetic new cheerleaders.  I've so often felt guilty that I haven't been there to watch them through their progression in this year-round, demanding sport.  I'm making up for lost time!  What a great feeling it is to give them some positive kudos in an area that was entirely closed off to me for 3 years.  While not quite as momentous as their first smile or first time they said "mama", it is a first step, a milesone step for all of us.

N and M are training for an upcoming local demonstration.  Here's awesome shots of my 11 year old jumping over 4 kids to break a board.  So cool! 
My10 year old daughter in front watches her big brother make his jump!

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