Sensory Situations stink. And echo. And push. And spin. And kick. And whine. And screech. And run. And hide. And hit. And bite.
But not this weekend. I'm so proud of my G for holding it together with so much sensory overload this weekend. What a trooper! Fireworks, party with lots of friends, family. Lots of food, sweets, bonfire, swimming in a deep pool, boating, tubing for the first time (with his sister, slowly), swimming in a lake with deep brown water, waterskiing show, more fireworks. Giant shout out to his siblings, who provided G with oodles of support. Love those kids! Proud of them all!
My G fell asleep in the car last night, first time in I can' t even recall how long. So unusual- he can be sleeping at Grandma's or wherever - but wakes up the second we put him in the car and jibber jabbers away, the whole way home. Most kids, even my 11 and 12 year old, fall asleep easily in the car. G perks up, another puzzle piece.
Today he woke me at 7 to say, "Mom, I'm about to puke," and did. He got it out over the next hour, then was as good as new, bouncing around and mishief-making. This afternoon he took a long nap, another oddity. He's not sick, as far as I can tell, it could possibly be somthing he ate. But honestly, I think it's his nerves/anxiety. He's holding himself together, working so hard to not freak out, that he sort of collapses when he can. I think his vomiting is from nerves.
I hope that I'm wrong. As much as I want him to self-regulate I don't wish him anxiety, worry or fear.
I'm seeing a trend of those emotions lately with him; an over-serious, somber, worrywort and apologetic side.
Another set of worries to keep my eye on. The worries rarely come alone these days, always they seem a house of cards, or a which one has more pros than cons scenario. I like G's compliance to rules, increased attention and awareness - but don't want him to stifle it inside. No stress for my little silly, bouyant 5.5 year old. He's got way too many hurdles to jump simply making it through a mundane day. Nothing is mundane for our sensory-sensitive kiddos. If you're not familiar with sensory issues, watch Temple Grandin's movie ( on DVD). The one that took so many oscars last year. Besides an incredible portrayal of sensory, social and flat speech manners, it's an amazing film to boot.
No worries, G. We've got your back. For always and forever.
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