Saturday, January 24, 2015

No Socks, No Boots, No Problem!

Leaving a friend's home today, G stood looking out the door, fully geared from ankles up while we searched high and low for his socks which he inevitably always peels off. We finally gave up the hunt and told him to put his boots on without socks, which he also does 50% time in his haste.

"Nah, I'm fine!" G was out the door in a flash. Minus socks. Minus boots. Running/jumping into the Michigan snow/ice. We all simultaneously bolted and called him in.


Tonight after all others were nestled in slumber and we had time to discuss it, I asked G why he ran out barefoot this morning.
"I just wanted to."
Did he forget he didn't have shoes on?
"I just wanted to."
Was he trying to make us laugh?
"I just wanted to."
Were you trying to freak us out?
"I just wanted to."
I sighed.
Exasperated, "What? So you just decided you wanted to feel the snow or something?

"YES! I just wanted to!"

Kerplunk! Hit me over the head with a brick! Way to really listen with your ASD ears, Mama!
G is a sensory seeker naturally; sensory avoider notasmuch. His impulsive sensory seeking isn't logical, planned. It's just: GO!
No stops between.

I forget at times, fooled by G's high functioning, highly verbal, bright mind. He has incredible focus at school, thanks to ADHD meds and much therapy over 7 years since age 2. He excels and is gifted with a stellar memory. His interests, vocabulary, demeanor when speaking in his "reporting mode" is remarkably mature.
Yet...his sensory impulses are too difficult to control. Similar to a preschooler, his wildcard behavior is perplexing; at such polar odds with the logical practical mind G has.

I marvel at the dichotomy that ASD demonstrates daily.

I told G that when he grows up and gets a job, please don't stop at the door on the way to lunch one day, take off his shoes and go running in the snow. He understands the humor.

Then again, maybe we all need an icy plunge to put a zing in our footsteps.
Sensory Seeking =
Curiosity. Zest. Joy.
Pretty great stuff. If we could skip/regulate the dangerous impulses, I'm in.

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